Certified Organic, Raw Cacao Powder, From Peru 1#

Certified Organic, Raw Cacao Powder, From Peru 1# Reviews

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Certified Organic, Raw Cacao Powder, From Peru 1# Feature

  • Certified Organic
  • Has a very high ORAC levels
Cacao is the bean that chocolate is made from. In its raw state, it contains more antioxidant flavonoids than red wine, green tea and blueberries. Our raw cacao is high in fiber and vitamin C and a good source of iron and protein! WFN cacao powder is certified organic and raw. Our premium cacao beans come directly from the farmers who cultivate them. These farmers grow their crops on their own land, using the same sustainable methods that have been used for generations. These cacao beans are guaranteed to be free of heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides. They are USDA certified organic. They are imported from Peru and Ecuador and packed by Wilderness Family Naturals in the USA.

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Mar 21, 2011 19:51:07


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